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Welcome to the Manor Woods Swim and Dive Team Swimtopia webpage! We are excited for the summer of 2024 season! Registration will open on April 1 and will cost $100 per swimmer or diver and $60 per preteamer.

The goal of the Manor Woods Swim and Dive Teams is to provide an opportunity for children ages 4 to 18 to have fun, to build self-confidence, endurance, self-discipline, and good sportsmanship through competitive swimming and diving in a safe environment. 

This year, the Manor Woods Swim Team is competing in Division "F" of the MCSL which is comprised of Manor Woods, Woodley Gardens, Cedarbook, Tanterra,  Westleigh, and Northwest Branch. 

The Dive Team is competing in Division One of the MCDL this year, which includes Manor Woods, Tanterra, Seven Locks, Rock Creek, North Chevy Chase, and Merrimack Park.

On-line registration will open April 1 and will close on May 31! Everything you need to do or want to know about the swim, pre-team, and dive team is on the website. 

For swim team questions, contact Marcie Ament, Swim Team "A" Rep, at [email protected]

For dive team questions, contact Chelsie Anttila Dotson Dive Rep, at [email protected]

For pre team questions, contact Sarah Flynn, Pre Team Rep, at [email protected].

Please also request to join our private, Manor Woods Swim and Dive Team Facebook group

Go Manor Woods!

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